About Innovation System
What is a national innovation system?
A set of institutions, individuals, knowledge, practices and resources that interact to identify, promote, implement and make good use of innovation.
To strengthen the competitiveness of the economy and achieve greater innovation impact, an established and developed national innovation system is an indispensable part. Cooperation at all levels is crucial to stimulate innovation, ie the partnership of the business, scientific-research sectors and the public sector.
National innovation system of the Republic of Croatia
The operation of the innovation system creates an environment that will help entrepreneurs focus their capacity on research, development and innovation, patent protection, and commercialize and strengthen market competitiveness in collaboration with academia and with public sector support.
Until the establishment of the national innovation system, Croatia's innovation performance over the last decades was below its potential (whether measured by innovation inputs, outputs, or contribution of innovation to economic growth). In the context of innovation, Croatia is below the EU innovation average and belongs to the group of countries that is considered a moderate innovator. One of the structural problems facing Croatia is the low volume of business investment in R&D, despite the abundance of existing tax breaks.