Submit idea





Economic growth and activation of the innovation potential of the state can best be achieved through the cooperation of the business and scientific-research sectors by encouraging joint innovative projects. It is sometimes difficult to find a partner, which is why the Idea Market is designed - a place where one can look for a collaborative project or suggest a project idea to find a partner. 

The database provides information on stakeholders of the innovation system in the field of private and scientific-research sector seeking business cooperation in the Republic of Croatia with the aim of implementing projects in the field of research, development and innovation.

Applicants can also, through the database, through clearly defined forms, SEEK and OFFER business cooperation related to technology transfer.

To get an idea of the steps you need to find what you are looking for, we offer you an overview of a few published project ideas.

Free online service to entrepreneurs and the science sector provides the opportunity of:

  • presenting innovative ideas of your company / scientific institution 
  • presenting technological solutions
  • seeking partnerships
  • search for technological solutions
Univerzalni digitalni novčanik
  • Energy and Sustainable Environment
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  • Health and quality of life
  • Energy and Sustainable Environment
  • Transport and mobility
  • Security
  • Food and bioeconomics
  • KET
  • ICT
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  • Health and quality of life
  • Energy and Sustainable Environment
  • Transport and mobility
  • Security
  • Food and bioeconomics
  • KET
  • ICT
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  • Health and quality of life
  • Energy and Sustainable Environment
  • Transport and mobility
  • Security
  • Food and bioeconomics
  • KET
  • ICT

Information About the Project Idea Applicant

Enter the members of the consortium or the name of the entity submitting the Request, or in which the applicant is employed.
Applicant type
If it is a consortium, indicate the institution where the contact person / applicant is employed.
Molimo upišite adresu, grad i poštanski broj


Partnership type
Ovaj tekst će biti objavljen kao naslov na Tržištu ideja.
Do 255 znakova

Information About the Project Idea and Possible Future Project

Do 255 znakova
One location and up to 200 characters are entered
The idea description is entered up to 2000 characters
Estimated duration of a possible future project
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt doc pdf docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.


Tržište ideja je mjesto na kojemu korisnici mogu objavljivati inovacijske ideje. Korisnici samostalno i na vlastitu odgovornost sudjeluju na tržištu ideja te Hrvatska gospodarska komora kao pružatelj usluge Inovacijske web platforme odriče bilo kakvu vlastitu odgovornost za korištenje sadržaja Tržišta ideja, uključujući i posljedice poduzimanja ili nepoduzimanja pravnih, poslovnih i drugih procjena te eventualno nepoštivanje autorskih prava korisnika ili trećih osoba te drugih radnji korisnika kojima se nositeljima prava nanosi šteta. Korisnici na vlastitu odgovornost koriste podatke objavljene na platformi te snose odgovornost za upotrebu, sukladno Uvjetima korištenja Inovacijske web platforme. Ukoliko želite napraviti promjene ili obrisati ideju/ponudu, pošaljite zahtjev na e-mail na ili putem kontakt obrasca.